July 27, 2023

How to delegate projects

Introduction Very often, some companies don’t have all the necessary skills in-house to entrust certain tasks or responsibilities to other people within the team. That’s why […]
May 19, 2023

Moral and professional commitment

As a freelancer, moral commitment is of paramount importance in the conduct of our professional activities. Not only is it essential to adhere to ethical principles and act with integrity, but it is also crucial to be cautious and to put in place mechanisms for redress when mistakes are made. This article will explore the importance of moral commitment among freelancers and highlight the need to be vigilant and take steps to fix mistakes in order to maintain satisfaction and
March 29, 2023

The specifications

What is a specification A specification is used to specify the requirements of a project or product. It is used to identify the needs of the […]
December 19, 2022

Advantages: working with foreign freelancers

Advantages: working with foreign freelancers Generality Telework existed before covid 19 but was not really taken into account by most companies. It was during covid 19 […]
October 25, 2022

Companies and freelancing

Generality Companies often need experts in specific areas, to do this, they entrust their tasks to providers who are able to intervene on their problems by […]
September 2, 2022

Freelancing, a profession of the future

Nowadays, the digital progress which is materialised by the use of the internet on a large scale allows a profuse use of information technologies...